The first track from our new EP is online now. Check out GONE, and download it for free. The Tells of Parallels EP will be free to download on October 1st.
Chicago Artist of the Month
Obtuse Angle #8
The geese will get us back.
Mutts @ Schuba’s in Chicago
Monday, August 30
3159 North Southport Ave. Chicago, IL 60601
8pm, $6
It’s our first show at this staple of the Chicago music scene. As always, CDs are free at our shows. Come pick up copies of both of our EPs, and hear us play new tracks from The Tells of Parallels EP, coming in October.
Summer hangs, and a new EP
After tracking our 3rd EP at the end of May, we’ve all been up to separate musical endeavors. Chris and I are in LA recording with Company of Thieves, and Bob has been working on a solo project while playing with a couple great bands in Chicago. Jon Alvin just finished mixing our 5 new tracks, and the EP – The Tells of Parallels – should be ready to release by September. We’ll get back to playing shows in August and throw a CD release party in the fall.
Now that I think of it, I’m not even sure why we’re printing CDs these days, other than to throw a party. Because “MP3 Release Party” just doesn’t have the same ring to it.
We Float EP is here!
Tracking We Float EP – again
Perhaps we’ve passed the “peak”
In 1956 Dr. M. King Hubbert first publicized the concept of peak oil. Part of the theory is that once we obliterate the easy-to-reach oil reserves, the “low-hanging fruit,” we have to develop even more environmentally unfriendly, invasive and risky methods of obtaining oil. Since then we’ve put a man on the moon, brought down the Berlin Wall, and seen further beyond our solar system and deeper into our own planet than ever before. What humanity can learn and achieve seem limitless. Yet what humanity can forget and destroy also seem limitless.
We Americans assume that our standards for industry are the most stringent in the world (I love you America, but we are a presumptuous culture; MLB’s “WORLD Series,” for example). True, the concern is there, but there is a lack of scrutiny on all levels. Our own Minerals Management Service as recently as November 2009 argued that current safeguards were “practically foolproof.” I find the word “practically” to be nauseating given the current state of affairs in the Gulf of Mexico. Brash statements like these fly in the face of knowledge that oil rig “blowouts always happen no matter how far technology and training advance,” and that there are no foolproof safeguards to stop them. (source: NY Times) This conclusion is taken from a 2005 study by Texas A&M engineer Jerome Schubert, which was financed by BP! Now I really think I’m gonna hurl.
What can we do? Clearly we need more critical examination of drilling methods and safeguards by our government. And of course the best thing would be to move towards clean, sustainable and renewable energy sources overall. But as long as politicians have pockets, archaic energy companies will keep stuffing them with bills, so we can’t hold our collective breath for the government to rescue our planet. And as individuals we can’t always walk or bike, and most cities don’t have great public transportation. So what can we do? Boycotting BP seems at least a good start:
I was an auditor for about a year after college (turns out the hours are actually longer as a musician). As a young office drone, I had the opportunity to speak with CFO’s and controllers for some large companies in various industries. They were ordinary people – not cold heartless capitalists as we often like to envision these sorts of folks. They had pictures of their families on their desks, enjoyed a laugh, and were constantly looking forward to the end of the work day like the rest of us. However, in accounting for a public company they have a different motivation: the bottom line. It’s their fucking God, and its commandments make no mention of “Honor thy Earth” or “keep holy the planet.” As Jeffery Short at Oceana says, “ultimately it’s an investment challenge. How much money are you willing to spend on an event that happens infrequently?” (NY Times)
So again, what can we do? We CAN make an example of BP by passing up their gas stations, as well as: Castrol, Arco, Aral, am/pm, Amoco, and Wild Bean Cafe. I know, it’s tough. Yesterday I passed 3 BP stations before finding an alternative. Today… I’m walking.
Also, here’s a Facebook group you can join to spread the word against BP and another against offshore drilling in general. Yes, it seems trivial but these sorts of things might actually be used for good purpose (not just to let your friends know how you feel about Avatar).
Obtuse Angle #7: We are here.
The things we do are not isolated events. Especially with the fluidity with which information moves these days, often absurdly so, we have to be aware that we affect more than our immediate surroundings. “Here” is a variable concept; it is what we can currently see and touch, but it also spans the length of our existential reach. And because of planes, trains and blogs, this reach is deeply global. True positivity is extraordinarily difficult to maintain for long. But despite what most news sources would have you believe, there IS good in the air. Energy is real and influential, let us use it constructively, or not at all.
Obtuse Angle #6: We are Learning to Listen
Together, We are hurtling through space, yet We are individually fixed to archaic ideals that keep us apart. We put holes in each other’s bodies over religion, race, resources and sneakers.
We are so fixated on the “I” that we can rationalize the destruction of “We.” We drill holes in our earth leaking oil into the sea, waste energy and agriculture, and build “too big to fail” business empires, perpetuating the disparity between wealthy and poor.
We are composed of the same elements, yet draw divisions on each other every day. We make physical appearance, manner of speech, level of education, or place of residence all reasons to remove ourselves from the We.
There needs to be a mass-realization that We are of the same origin, and it must occur on all levels – personal, governmental, commercial, spiritual, and so on. Until We learn to celebrate our differences in the spirit that We are essentially the same, We will not deserve this existence. Self-awareness is the blessing and curse of humanity. It seems impossible, yet We must at least try to put “We” ahead of “I.” We are all Mutts, and we are all Learning to Listen.